How Cloud Adoption Accelerates Digital Transformation

Hira Fatima
4 min readDec 22, 2021


If you’re one of those people who believe digital transformation in today’s world is just a fancy way of saying ‘moving to the cloud’, you might not be wrong. Digital transformation without the cloud is unattainable.Digital transformation is synonymous to smarter and better solutions and cloud is one of the main pillars that enable digital transformation. Cloud is fundamentally changing the way businesses operate in the 21st century. Cloud has become a necessity rather than an option and in this article we will highlight how.

Organizations without the cloud — an overview

Before the concept of cloud was introduced, organizations had to go through the trouble of running their own IT Infrastructure, which is quite expensive and requires a ton of resources. It also requires IT staff to manage the infrastructure. With the cloud, depending on the service model you choose, you don’t have to worry about anything as long as your internet connection is stable. You can have everything virtually without the blueprint of a datacenter.

Whether it’s a service that you need for a short period of time or a server for a lifetime, in this era of cloud computing the possibilities are endless.

According to an article posted on CNBC,

Microsoft’s former CEO Steve Ballmer said he regretted not getting into the cloud computing earlier.

Cloud is innovative

Today, cloud services are much more than simple virtual machines. Instead, it’s a stack of software that has everything your business needs; from Operating system to running complex Artificial Intelligence algorithms cloud has a vast variety of services to fulfill your requirements.

New services are rolled out almost every other week. Cloud in today’s world is more than just reduced infrastructure and cost cutting technology. In fact, if you’re planning to move towards digital transformation, it’s not possible without first moving to the cloud first.

Moreover, the cloud computing providers have a far more efficient team that’s constantly working to match up the expectations of the complex and changing IT infrastructure to create value for their customers.

Safety for digital transformation

As we have mentioned before, digital transformation without the cloud is not possible and one of the key advantages of moving to the cloud is a safe and secure environment. Cloud providers spends most of their capital in their data centers. Cloud service providers employ more cyber security experts than any other service providers. Since their customers trust them with their data, they make sure to fulfil their expectations and make customer experience better.

The unparalleled safety provided by the cloud makes it an ideal deal for any business owner who values the privacy concerns of his customers.

Cost advantage with the cloud:

A company’s budget is largely spent on the IT infrastructure rather than in developing applications. Maintenance and infrastructure costs are heavily influencing the overall capital of the companies. But things have changed in the past decade with cloud solutions.

The cloud providers buy hardware, power, and other resources that a business needs in massive amounts and provide them as required by their customers.


On-premise infrastructure can not even compare to the reliability a cloud service can provide. The most highlighted example of this is the uptime of 99.94% of the Gmail service provided by Google. This is far more reliable than any other corporate email system.

How can your business benefit from the cloud?


Did you know with cloud computing you can completely get rid of your data centre footprint? But of course, that’s not your last option. You can also reduce the number of servers, IT staff, and other costs by moving your business to the cloud.

Rent hardware

Cloud allows you to rent hardware services without actually going through the trouble of physically placing and maintaining it. You can pay as you use the services and set budgets. You can also de-allocate the resources that you no longer need. Yes, all of this is possible with the cloud.


Cloud services have extremely reliable services and maintain the up time of 99.99%. Imagine your business with no server down-time, isn’t it amazing?

Mobility and collaboration:

Cloud improves the mobility and applications are available globally. Virtual meetings are made easy and better collaboration platforms are provided.


Now, we can conclude that digital transformation without the cloud is not possible. Digital transformation, as people may perceive is not just limited to shutting down your data centers and opting for cloud services. It’s about building better and smarter solutions. Of course, digital transformation without the cloud is not possible but it’s mainly about knowing your core values and externalizing the tasks and activities that are crucial yet not a part of your business’ core values.

